اسعار الدواجن في مصر

اسعار الدواجن في مصر

المولد النبوى الشريف

المولد النبوى الشريف

الثلاثاء، 31 يناير 2012

كيفيه تحديد الجنس في الارانب بالصور التوضيحيه

تحديد الجنس في الارانب بالصور


Sexing rabbits - The prepuce (penis sheath) of the male rabbit is raised and pointed and contains a circular hole in the end.Sexing rabbits - The prepuce (penis sheath) of the male rabbit is raised and pointed and contains a circular hole in the end.
Sexing rabbits image - Close-up photo of a male rabbit's scrotal sacs. These individual scrotal sacs are generally hairless (or only very thinly-furred), pendulous, purplish-coloured and very easy to spot.



Rabbit sexing - The vulval orifice of the female rabbit is shaped like a vertical slit.Rabbit sexing - The vulval orifice of the female rabbit is shaped like a vertical slit.


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